
The Corporation’s mission is to protect, to enhance, enliven and to promote the historic sites and heritage of the mining village of Bourlamaque / Cité de l'Or and of the old Lamaque’s mine as well as discover the mining world of yesterday and tomorrow, through high quality actions.

The Corporation of Bourlamaque’s mining village / Cité de l'Or, a non-profit organisation was created in December 16th 1980 in accordance with the Part III of the Quebec Companies Act and on November 1st 1985 received from the ministère du Revenu its registration as a charity organization.

Contact us

Corporation du Village minier de Bourlamaque / La Cité de l'Or
90 avenue Perrault (CP 212)
Val-d'Or, Québec, Canada
J9P 4P3

Phone : 819 825-1274 Toll free : 1 855 825-1274
Email : courrier@citedelor.com


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