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La Cité de l’Or is the only site in Canada that brings the visitor in the heart of a gold mine exploitation from one of the most productive in the country, and where we can visit a historic mining village still occupied today. The site bears witness to the beginning of the 1920 gold rush taking place in northwestern Quebec at that time and is composed of a significant number of high quality residential and industrial heritage assets.

La Cité de l’Or proposes to you the following activities

  • An underground visit at 300 feet (91 m.) of a real mine drift;
  • A tour of the four (4) old Lamaque Mine’s main buildings,
  • A unique experience with the permanent exhibit « Gold in our veins »,
  • An interpretation tour of Bourlamaque’s mining village, with or without audioguide;
  • Visit of the mining village with an audioguide;
  • The exhibit at the historic house, "At home in Bourlamaque";

An exceptional guide (Joanie)! We leave with beautiful memories. Nice welcome!

Des Morin – Fils et filles de mineur (Charles Morin) Ginette, Jocelyne et gang!

The first time I visit a mine, it was excellent!

Very courteous and knowledgeable guides. Thank you very educational!

Réal Munger (Rockland, Ontario)

Contact us

Corporation du Village minier de Bourlamaque / La Cité de l'Or
90 avenue Perrault (CP 212)
Val-d'Or, Québec, Canada
J9P 4P3

Phone : 819 825-1274 Toll free : 1 855 825-1274
Email :


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